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Glass Railing Considerations


Updated: 3 days ago

Glass railings for exterior and interior applications are a major investment and it is important to consider all the factors that go into making such a substantial decision.

Since there are so many options such as picket style, spigot system (no top rail), base shoe (lower element only - typically for interior) we encourage you to visit our website, take some pictures and try to narrow down your preference, including budget.

For reference purposes, we only offer pretested, engineered systems that generally range in price from $150 to $750 per linear foot of railing (supplied and installed). The systems shown below illustrate the range of pricing available.

 Aluminum Component Railing System Example (budget friendly glass system)
Aluminum Component Railing System Example (budget friendly glass system)

Standoff Railing System Example (maximize view)
Standoff Railing System Example (maximize view)

In some cases, different systems can be used in different sections of the home for design impact, cost considerations and based on areas of higher use, etc. The most critical factors for consideration are outlined below and are irrespective of the system.

  1. Railing and glass guards are a life-critical consideration. This is an area where you should not take chances due to life safety, insurance, building code, and liability considerations. Reputable suppliers will not compromise safety for obvious reasons.

  2. Any system is only as good as the substrate it’s connected to. In other words, the railing must be attached to a surface that is already in place and it must be properly supported by blocking or other structurally sound methods to ensure continued performance from wind-shear and direct loads, etc. We work closely with our builders to ensure the proper support for each system is in place before the railing installation begins.

  3. It is typically a Code requirement to have systems and components that are fully engineered and supported by the manufacturer and include installation guidelines that have been tested. In all cases, our systems come with manufacturer component engineering, however in some cases, we must get independent engineering completed for site-specific applications when requested by the local building department. In this case, we are able to provide the necessary shop drawings to assist with this process.

Spigot Post Railing - example photo taken at a site review to replace the glass panel for a  code-compliant pool fence and had been originally installed by another company.
Spigot Post Railing - example photo taken at a site review to replace the glass panel for a code-compliant pool fence and had been originally installed by another company.

Actual installation of the post hardware for the above glass panel, using only half of the proper lag bolt fasteners into the rim board of the deck due to no structural blocking being in place for the inner lag bolts.
Actual installation of the post hardware for the above glass panel, using only half of the proper lag bolt fasteners into the rim board of the deck due to no structural blocking being in place for the inner lag bolts.

This is a critical error for both the glass company and the deck builder as the potential for guard failure was very high with the existing site conditions of wind load and the 10-foot drop (life safety & liability issues).

What are some of the factors that can affect the pricing between us and our competitors that you should be aware of?

  1. The main thing we see are suppliers that provide “stock” glass panels to reduce costs, then use a custom panel to complete the layout, which in some cases can work out well if the railing is planned out or it is in an area that is not utilized as much since the costs can be reduced considerably by going this route. We offer both stock glass panel installs and custom ordered panels with equalized panels for each section. The majority of our customers choose the custom panel option. See below for a rendered example on a 290” sample deck with a 2” slope (for water drainage).

Typical stock and custom panel layout (below), stepped up at each junction to allow the panels to fit while following the deck slope. Post-replacement often varies from panel to panel due to the post-span limitations.

The custom glass panel layout (above) is shaped to follow the deck slope with all glass from the same supplier. Note that the symmetrical post spacing as the panel width is optimized to meet the post-span limitation.

  1. Using foreign hardware without testing or engineering for the Ontario or National Building Codes is a common practice to decrease costs. We only use compliant hardware.

  2. Substituting thinner glass on the systems may reduce the glass price but may introduce more hardware so in some cases the costs are neutral.

  3. This entire area is subject to higher wind forces than you might expect say in downtown Toronto where houses are in proximity. A system that might work elsewhere may not work as well on the escarpment or on the bay, which is something we always factor into our projects based on our experience.

  4. Using a local supplier is a key consideration to address ongoing serviceability and peace of mind knowing that your project was in support of the local community.

    The above points can help you make an informed decision as you compare quotes against initial cost versus lifetime value of your glass project.

The North Shore approach is wholistic from 3D laser measuring, detailed quote layouts and licensed/skilled installers. We only use railing parts and systems that are fully compliant, tested, and are from reputable North American suppliers and manufacturers that have invested in accreditation of the products to meet the Ontario and National Building Codes. This does increase costs; however, given the life safety aspect and longevity, we are not willing to accept this liability to our customers or ourselves.

North Shore has invested in a 3D laser measuring system with an integrated CAD program for accurately measuring areas. Our team has been installing glass in this area for over 25 years and is suited to understand all the nuances associated with railing requirements, especially in this area.

3D laser system used for stairs, treads, railing and glass such as that the system components are properly balanced and fabricated

The system when combined with industry-leading glass software means we can design and send our railing projects directly to the glass fabricator electronically with greater efficiency and with less margin for error.

Thank you for considering North Shore Ltd. for your glass needs and please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Safety, Serviceability, Longevity and Beauty are what we offer for railings.

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